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Victor Villareal

Master Scalp Micropigmentation Artist

Hello, I am Victoriano - the proud owner and top artist at Real Time Results Scalp Micropigmentation. My journey in the beauty industry began through barbering and esthetics, which eventually led me to become a 6-certified SMP artist.

With my extensive knowledge in men and women hairline restoration, density fills, full heads, barbershop, natural, soft, and feminine hairline styles, as well as camouflaging scars of all kinds, I have become a true expert in my field. My education in color theory is unmatched, which has allowed me to create truly exceptional results.

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My hard work and dedication have been recognized by the Blendz Pro Team, and I am now a proud member acknowledged for delivering the best and most undetectable results in the world. It is my passion to help my clients achieve their desired look, and I am committed to providing them with the highest quality of service and care.

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